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Tourist attractions in Antequera

Antequera, situated to the north of the province of Malaga, has been an important central passage from the coast to the inland throughout the history, a situation that has left us many important monuments that are worth visiting.

Antequera as city is of roman origin but it has been inhabited since prehistoric times, there are remains of the different civilizations that have settled here and a famous natural environment, the Torcal of Antequera with rocks formations sculpted over the centuries.

Museums, monuments and top places to visit

Menga, Viera and el Romeral dolmens are considered the best monuments of its kind in Europe, a megalithic burial mound you should visit while in Malaga.

Carretera de Málaga, 5 29200 Antequera
Phone: +34 952 71 22 06

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Photo of Menga Dolmen in Antequera Detail photo of Dolmen of Menga Interior of the Dolmen of Menga

Necropolis de Alcaide

This archaeological site was an old town, there are remains of the middle age and the andalusian period like a mosque and a large cistern. They have also found settlement remains from Cupper Age.
Cortijo de Alcaide en ladera oriental de Loma del Viento

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Antequera Museum

This is one of the most important museums in the province of Malaga and it was created with the aim of showing the archaeological remains found in the town.

Palacio de Nájera Plaza del Coso Viejo - Tlf: 952 70 83 00


Torcal de Antequera

Beautiful landscape of rock formations, a natural place where you can enjoy several hiking trails. There are many parking lots for parking your vehicle.

A 14 kilómetros de Antequera

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