Andalucia map
If you are planning a visit to Andalucia the following map of southern Spain might be useful, the map will show you the main tourist areas in Andalucia like Costa del Sol, Axarquía, Bahía de Cádiz, Poniente de Almería or Campo de Gibraltar among many others.
To the right, the political map of Andalucia with the different 8 provinces: Malaga, Cadiz, Seville, Huelva, Cordoba, Jaen, Granada and Almeria.
Road map - how to get
Most of the tourism in Andalucia choose Malaga airport as the entry point to the southern of Spain, the roads infrastructure and public transport from the airport is good enough to reach any destination from this place.
Below you can see the roadmap of Andalucia, the main road access to the different cities.
The main road linking Malaga with other destinations in Andalucia is the A-7 road, also called Mediterranean Highroad, from this road you can get to places such Tarifa or Granada pretty fast if you decide to hire a car in Malaga.
In Malaga you should not miss a visit to the Old Town and the different monuments and ancient buildings located in that area, if you need to buy a map the Michelin map of Andalucia has very good reviews.
Monuments and attractions map
Andalucia has countless monuments and tourist attractions, come and discover them with us.
Recommended places to visit in Southern Spain
We at recommend you to visit the Alhambra in Granada, Cordoba Mosque, Malaga Alcazaba, Tarifa beaches...this list of recommended places can continue for long.
Alhambra in Granada: The beauty of this place is only comparable to the city where its hold, if you are going to stay for a few days at southern of Spain you can't miss a visit to the Alhambra...just be careful when driving from Malaga to Granada with the radars and some street cams, there are many not visible in Granada.
Remember you need to book the entrance ticket in advance.
Alcazaba in Malaga: Symbol of the city and from where you can take the known photo of Malaga with the bullring and the port of the city on the background.
Malaga Cathedral: Another of the main monuments of Malaga city you should not miss, it is very close to Alcazaba and roman theatre so you can visit both in the same morning.
Tarifa beaches: If you enjoy the beach you can visit Tarifa any day and enjoy beautiful white sand beaches. After a beach day we recommend to visit the town before going back to Malaga. By road the trip will take less than 2 hours.
There are many more places you can visit, you can begin planning your itinerary from our guide of Andalucia.