Malaga Travel Blog
Rain dust

Why does it rain dust in Malaga? All about muddy rain

A mudstorm has been predicted for today in the province of Malaga. Rain dust is a phenomenon that confuses some of you, so let’s clear up all the doubts about how and why it happens.

No, it doesn’t happen because that day you decide to wash the car, other factors are involved.


What is the rain dust and when does it happen?

This typical dust rain (also called muddy or red rain) is a curious meteorological phenomenon occurring in the Mediterranean. No, it doesn’t happen because that day you decide to wash the car, other factors are involved.

In another article I talked about the difference between terral and sub-Saharan wind. This wind has a lot to do with the phenomenon, and is that for mud rain to happen there must be two conditions, dust particles suspended in the atmosphere, a wind strong enough to bring them to the mainland and rain.

This phenomenon can occur all year round but is characteristic of the summer months. It is not usual, however, that it happens during the winter months.

How long does it last? Dust suspension in the atmosphere can last from 24 to 60 hours before it begins to disappear.

70% of the world’s dust comes from the Sahara desert

Where does the dust come from?

As you may have deduced, the dust comes straight from the Sahara. The wind and rain give us a little bit of this desert on our vehicles and streets. Not only makes dirt, this powder provides nutrients to the soil and oceans.

Minerals, bacteria, spores and pollen are suspended along with sub-Saharan dust and sand. Together they manage to overcome great distances to reach the most unlikely places, such as under your sofa or the interior of the European continent thousands of miles away. 70% of the world’s dust comes from the Sahara desert, so you can get an idea.

Learn more about

If you want to learn more about the Saharan Air Layer I recommend you visit the following link:

What to do on a rainy day?

Why does it rain dust in Malaga? All about muddy rain was last modified: April 4th, 2022 by Raúl G.T

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