Malaga weather forecast
Malaga enjoys an excelent sunny weather for 330 days each year and warm water temperatures in summer.
Live weather in Malaga
This is a report for Malaga / Aeropuerto, Spain.
The report was made 31 minutes ago, at 01:30 UTC.
The wind was blowing at a speed of 6.7 meters per second (15.0 miles per hour) from west (280°).
The temperature was 16 °C (61 °F), with a dew-point at 5 °C (41 °F).
The atmospheric pressure was 1018 hPa (30.06 inHg).
The relative humidity was 48.0%.
There were no clouds below 1500 meter (5000 feet) and no cumulonimbus clouds.
The overall visibility was greater than 10 kilometers (6.2 miles).
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Nerja doesn't have good or bad months; it virtually has good weather year-round. Average temperatures are 14 °C (57 °F) in winter, reaching 30 °C (86 °F) in summer, which should give you an idea of the number of beach days that can be enjoyed here as a result. Get live and online local Nerja Weather conditions.
Having one of the highest average temperatures on the coast – around 20° C (68° F) – it becomes one of the most important beach destinations on the Costa del Sol. Don't be surprised if you see people taking a dip in October, since some days are as beautiful as in high summer. Get live, local Benalmandena Weather conditions.
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Characteristically hot summers, but with lower temperatures in the village area because of its location in the mountains. The nights are cooler, and finding a haven of shade among its narrow streets can be a welcome reprieve during the hottest summer days. Get live and online local Mijas Weather conditions.
Temperatures are warm in Marbella, typical of a Mediterranean climate. Marbella benefits from a temperature of 16/18 °C (61/64 °F) on a clear December day, although the months of frequent rainfall can lower the temperature by about 5 °C (10 °F). Get live, local Marbella Weather conditions.
The Costa del Sol is internationally renowned for its monuments, typical foods, traditions and many aspects that make it irresistible to any tourist. The wonderful climate that accompanies us most of the year enhances all these benefits, with mild temperatures thanks to the Mediterranean's influence. You can visit any of the cities in our tourist guide wearing short sleeves right in the middle of November!